HelpSpecificationService specification

Service specification

Overview of our service

What we offer:


All of the instances automatically get rebooted almost every week,
When an instance reaches the maximum size of the memory limit allocated for each instance, it stops automatically.

NOTE: Arukas shares the resources among multiple users, so when some users use their apps so heavily on the CPU cycles for a long period of a time, the instances might be forced to be stopped.

Arukas shares the resources among multiple users, so when some applications relies heavily on its CPU for a long period of a time, the instances could be forced to stop.


An instance has the internet access, global IP and connection port as a set.

NOTE: A set of connection port and global ip are not changed unless an instance stops, or is rebooted.


Endpoint is originally attached to the first port you specified for your instance. Load balancing for HTTP or HTTPS connection for backend container can be achieved by the feature “Endpoint”.
An instance can have the only one endpoint, in other words, you can not issue multiple endpoints for one instance.


All of the data storages supported by Arukas are volatile.
When an instance needs to be reboot for some reasons, its data are completely gone.
We take no responsibility or liability for any data corruption and loss.

NOTE: We advise you to keep your important data aside to some external online storage service(s) or device(s).

Control Panel

Control Panel makes you easier to manage your instances.

Basic Usage of Control Panel

Create an application | Create an application based on container image
Start | Start an application
Stop | Stop a running application
Edit | Redesign container architecture
Delete | Delete an application

Create an application Create an application based on container image
Start Start an application
Stop Stop a running application
Edit Redesign container architecture
Delete Delete an application

NOTE: Application doesn’t automatically start as soon as it has created. You need to start it by clicking “Start” on the right-hand side of the Control Panel.